Will the recent appointment of Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala as the new WTO cheif help Nigeria and Nigerians as a whole?
Will the recent appointment of Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala as the new WTO cheif help Nigeria and Nigerians as a whole?
Вопросы обновленный 3 лет тому назад

Will the recent appointment of Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala as the new WTO cheif help Nigeria and Nigerians as a whole?

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, a development economist who spent 25 years working at the World Bank, will become the first woman to lead the World Trade Organization.

Is this a positive news for Nigerians or just another pocket fillup scheme by the rich Nigerian elite?

Yes because she will encourage foriegn trade and investments to Nigeria
Yes because of her origin being Nigeria would shift investors focus to Nigeria
Yes because she sees the sufferings of Nigerians
Maybe because she might try to solicit trade deals for Nigeria
No because what policies did she implement in her previous world bank positions that helped anyone apart from herself?
No - She is not the first Nigerian to occupy an international position but like the others she will fill her pocket and send her children to live in London of USA
No - she is as currupt as all other Nigerian elites
No idea
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